Final Questionnaire for Students 2009


Escola Secundária de Bocage

  Scuola Media Statale 1° Nucleo Dag Hammarskjold


Results of the Questionnaire to students

 1)  Do you think school prepares you for life?

yes      44        no       3


2)    Is school important for you?

Very    17        fairly   24        so so   4          not at all         2

3)    Are your parents concerned about your performance at school?

yes      46        no       1

4)    In a semester,  how often do your parents come to school?

never: 3          1time: 15        2times:           19        3times:           5     +3times:  5

5)    Is the parents’ involvement in school activities important?

yes      17        no       24        no answer     6

6)    How is your relationship with your teachers?

friendly           23        formal             21        difficult           3

7)    Which subject do you prefer?

Technology    2            History    3            Gymnastics    15            Physics    6            Chemistry    3

Mathematics    3            Technical drawing    5            Computer lesson    7            English lesson    3

 8)    In classes which type of work do you prefer?

lecture  14     Group work   21        Pair work       8          Individual work  4

9)    What other activities do you think school should offer you apart from the regular classes?

Theatre    8                   dance    6                  sports   30                music   5        languages  8      

Others  6 : sexual education, rollers, graffiti


10) What’s important to make you happy at school?

Good relations with teachers and other students    10

Proper leaning conditions and environment    7            Long breaks    6            Good marks   6

Qualitative teaching   4            Other / No answer   14

11) Do you think that it is important to work with / meet other European students?

yes      37        no       10


12) Do you think that participating in European projects can improve your motivation in learning foreign languages?

yes      35        no       12


13)  Do European projects help you to feel more like a European citizen?

yes      30        no       17


14) Are you interested in participating in a students’ exchange within a European project?

yes      21        no       26


The Coordinator of the Project,

Katerina Chousanli,

January 2009


Escola Secundária de Bocage

 Results of the Questionnaire to students

The questionnaires were given to two classes –8th form (median age – 13) and 11th form (median age 16). Altogether 47 students answered the questionnaire.



All the students recognise the importance of school for their future.



There was almost no difference between younger and older students.  NOT AT ALL is not an option for any of the students asked.


Most parents are concerned with their children’s performance at school. The number of students who answered NO is not significant, still it is worrying that four older and two younger students feel that parents don’t care.




Once again there is no significant difference between older and younger students. However, the parents of the younger ones tend to come more to school and more often.


Older students feel that the involvement of parents is not so important for their success. Being more autonomous and responsible, older students do not rely on their parents so much for school work and behave better. Younger students usually have more behaviour problems so parents probably have to follow them more closely, even though five younger students feel their involvement is not important.

 Younger students feel that their relationship with teachers is more formal than friendly. Several reasons may justify that fact. Younger students tend to behave worse in class so maybe teachers are stricter about school rules. There is no need to be so strict with older students as they tend to be more concentrated.

The teachers working with both classes are different so maybe older students have friendlier teachers than the younger ones.

Teachers in general feel closer to older students and most times the relationship is better. Of course there are exceptions.



The group of subjects older and younger teachers have is different. Older students (from the 10th form on) choose an area of studies. The class who answered the questionnaire has all the subjects in the graphic. The younger ones do not have Philosophy but they have the others; they have ten subjects and they are all compulsory so their preferences are a lot more scattered .


Both younger and older students by far prefer doing group work to any other kind of work. Still many teachers avoid it because classes are very big.


School offers some extra activities. However, students spend about 30/35 hours at school every week so not many stay at school more hours to attend clubs or do sports.  

Older students prefer Music but for younger students the top activity is Sports.

1- Good relationship with teachers

2- Friends



3- Good relationship with classmates

4- Good conditions




Some students indicated more than one factor still relationships with other people is what seems to be important for our students. For the older ones more than the friends, a good relationship with competent teachers really makes them feel happy at school. For the younger ones, teachers are also very important but friends seem the most important factor.

Conditions, which we teachers seem to value so much, aren’t that important, in the students’ opinion.




Both younger and older students agree that it is important to meet other European students. Some of the older students have already been involved in European projects but the younger ones haven’t.


There is no difference between younger and older students. Both agree that European projects can work as a motivation to learn foreign languages.


Only three older students answered NO to this question. All the others feel that being closer to other Europeans will strengthen the European citizenship.


Nine older students said they wouldn’t be interested in participating in a students’ exchange. Only three younger students said they wouldn’t either. So younger students seem to be more willing to participate in the opportunities provided by these projects.

Still the great majority is open to these new experiences.

 Conclusions: Since I represent the only school in this project with both levels of education – basic and secondary - I thought it would be interesting to involve students of these two levels to see if the differences were striking. Well, my main conclusion is that there are just small differences between both and that our students recognise the importance of  school and  all the work they do here. Good relationships make them feel happy and create the mood that makes them learn better, in their opinion. People are what really matters the most.

The Coordinator of the Project,

Maria Luisa Abreu

January 2009


  Scuola Media Statale 1° Nucleo Dag Hammarskjold

Pupils 100

Age 12-13

1)    Do you think school prepares you for life?        


2)    Is school important for you?



3)    Are your parents concerned about your performance at school?



4)    In a semester,  how often do your parents come to school?



5)    Is  parent involvement in school activities important?



6)    How is your relationship with your teachers?



7)    Which subject do you prefer?




8)    In class which type of work do you prefer?



9)    What other activities do you think school should offer you apart from the regular classes?



10) What’s important to make you happy at school?



11) Do you think that it is important to work with / meet other European students?



12) Do you think that participating in European projects can improve your motivation in learning foreign languages?




13)  Do European projects help you to feel more like a European citizen?



14) Are you interested in participating in a students’ exchange within a  European project?






 The results of questionnaire makes it clear that

1.    the great majority of students thinks school is very important and it prepares them for life

2.     most of parents are concerned about their children’s performance at school

3.    the relationship with teachers is mostly formal

4.    pupils’ favorite activity in class is group work

5.    the most popular  after classes activities are theatre and sports

6.    one third of students need good relationship with teachers and one quarter  good relationship with classmates

7.    almost all students  think to meet European students is of a great value and the absolute majority is sure that European projects improve their motivation in  learning foreign languages and make them feel like European citizens

8.    the two third are interested in participating in a students’ exchange within a European project.


The  pupils’ answers to the last questions about the European projects show that they appreciated participating  and it is a great  success for us  that at the end of our project  they feel more European citizens


The Coordinator of the Project,

Wanda Spagnuolo

January 2009

Thank you for your cooperation!