The first Vocational School of Drama (1st EPAL) is the first of the two daily vocational school operating in the town of Drama. We are an upper secondary education school and we offer technical education.
The Greek educational system is under the supervision of the Ministry
of National Education and Religious Affairs (YPEPTH).
Education in Greece, including pre-school, primary and lower secondary
education, is compulsory for all children from aged 6 to 15.
Primary Education (Demotiko) lasts 6 years, low-secondary
education (Gymnasio) lasts 3 years and upper secondary education
– the Unified upper secondary school (Geniko Lykeio) and Vocational School (EPAL) lasts 3 years.
The Greek Vocational School (EPAL) is the school where the student approaches basic vocational knowledge. The total duration of the studies is three years.
EPAL provides both general education and specialized technical and vocational skills to prepare pupils for the labour market.
The age of the students ranges from 15 to 18 years old. Our graduates have got access to Universities and labor market.
Our graduates are qualified for several jobs such as mechanics, automobile mechanics, electricians, electronics technicians , graphic artists etc.
The studies last three years and the courses include general education courses, technical courses and laboratory exercises in their respective areas.
The hours of the subjects of specialization are equal to the hours of the subjects of general education and consist mainly of laboratory work, so that the student can gain experience and be able to deal with his job requirements when employed.
Students in the first grade attend the courses of general education and a few technical subjects, to gain knowledge of subjects in each field.
The second grade is structured in professional fields. Students attend common general education courses and courses in the field they choose.
The third Class is structured for professional expertise with students attending theoretical and laboratorial courses.
At the end of the 3rd year, our students have the opportunity to continue their studies in university, after they take nation-wide written exams in four subjects.