Partnerships 2010 - 2012

Meeting in Turkey 22-27/11/2010

The main purpose of the visit was face to face contact between the coordinators and other educational participating schools and institutions, and the design and planning of activities to take place by the end of the current school year (June 2011) including subsequent meetings.

More specifically:

  1. Each institution made a presentation on the profile of the region-based and alternative tourism businesses in the region.
  2. Agreed dates for future meetings on the project in Poland (April 2011) and Bulgaria (June 2011).
  3. Discussed details of the implementation in each school a notice to Facebook about an alleged company logo on the volatile instruments.
  4. Discussed the structure of the website.
  5. It was decided that regular communication between participating institutions.
  6. We faced the problem of non-participation in the first meeting of two countries (Poland and Romania) due to late approval.





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